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Hydrogen Production Using the Modular Helium Reactor
@article{osti_911139, title = {Hydrogen Production Using the Modular Helium Reactor}, author = {Harvego, E A and Reza, S M and Richards, M and Shenoy, A}, abstractNote = {The high-temperature characteristics of the Modular Helium Reactor (MHR) make it a strong candidate for the production of hydrogen using either …

The Gas Turbine – Modular Helium Reactor: A Promising …
The Gas Turbine – Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) is an advanced nuclear power system that offers unparalleled safety, high thermal efficiency, environmental advantages, and competitive electricity generation costs. The GT-MHR module couples a gas-cooled modular helium reactor (MHR) with a high efficiency modular Brayton cycle gas …

(PDF) Design of a Nuclear Power Plant with Gas Turbine Modular Helium …
This paper compares the cost of hydrogen production using natural gas and SMR technology with the cost of nuclear-powered hydrogen production using a Modular Helium Reactor (MHR). A time series model of natural gas prices is estimated and used to simulate the cost of hydrogen from SMR to 2030: it is never above $11.80/GJ or $12.45/million …

Numerical analysis of alternative operating temperatures on a modular …
The coolant outlet temperature for the Modular Helium Reactor (MHR) was increased to improve the overall efficiency of nuclear hydrogen production using either thermochemical or high temperature ...

Use of the Modular Helium Reactor for Hydrogen Production …
Download Citation | Use of the Modular Helium Reactor for Hydrogen Production | OAK-B135 A significant ''Hydrogen Economy'' is predicted that will reduce our dependence on petroleum imports and ...

The Gas Turbine
The Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) uses two compression stages to compress the helium and a pre-cooler and an intercooler to reduce the compressors inlet temperature, that dissipate ...

A modular, 3D-printed helium-filled soap bubble generator …
A modular helium-filled soap bubble (HFSB) generator consisting of 3D-printed nozzles and developed for use in a wind tunnel is characterized. A multi-syringe pump accurately feeds bubble film ...

Hydrogen production using modular helium reactor
INEEL/CON-04-02510 PREPRINT Hydrogen Production Using The Modular Helium Reactor Edwin A. Harvego SM Mohsin Reza Matt Richrds Arkal Shenoy May 16-20, 2005 13th International Conference On Nuclear Engineering This is a preprint of a paper intended for publication in a journal or proceedings.

Canister Helium Leak Detection based on Temperature …
Background - 1/4.5-scale cask model used for helium leak detection experiments*. *Hirofumi Takeda and Masanori Gotoh, "Development of a Device for Detecting Helium leaks from Canisters (Part 1): Experiment on Temperature Behavior during Gas Leaks from a Canister of a 1/4.5 Scale Cask Model," 26th Inter. Conf. on Nuclear Engineering …

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | A Comparative …
A comparative exergoeconomic analysis is reported for waste heat recovery from a gas turbine-modular helium reactor (GT-MHR) using various configurations of organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) for generating electricity. The ORC configurations studied are: a simple organic Rankine cycle (SORC), an ORC with an …

Helium turbomachine design for GT-MHR power plant
Abstract. The power conversion system in the gas turbine modular helium reactor (GT-MHR) power plant is based on a highly recuperated closed Brayton cycle. The major component in the direct cycle system is a helium closed-cycle gas turbine rated at 286 MW (e). The rotating group consists of an intercooled helium turbocompressor …

The burnup capabilities of the Deep Burn Modular Helium …
Typical example is the Deep Burn concept in Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) using two types of TRISO particles called transmutation fuel and driver fuel [6]. Also, there has been great ...

Alternative operating conditions for the Modular Helium …
In this study, alternative operating conditions for the Modular Helium Reactor (MHR) were investigated to increase coolant outlet temperature above 850 °C, while keeping the peak fuel temperature below acceptable level at normal operation.Parametric thermal–hydraulic simulations were carried out by using …

Modular Helium Reactors for a Nuclear Renaissance
The modular helium reactor (MHR), which is a thermal reactor that can be used both for hydrogen and electricity production in modules of 600 MWth. Its core consists of …

Hydrogen Production Using the Modular Helium Reactor
An initial SAPHIRE model to evaluate the reliability, maintainablility, and availability of the S-I hydrogen production plant is also discussed, and plans for future …

Exergoeconomic assessment and parametric study of a Gas Turbine-Modular
This paper presents an investigation on the utilization of waste heat from a gas turbine-modular helium reactor (GT-MHR) using different arrangements of organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) for power … Expand. 87. 3 Excerpts; Save. Exergo-environmental analysis of an integrated organic Rankine cycle for trigeneration.

Exergoeconomic evaluation and optimization of a novel …
A new combined system including Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) and an augmented Kalina cycle (AKC) is proposed, analyzed and optimized thermodynamically and economically. The simulation is performed using the conservation of energy, exergy balance and cost equations for each system component.

Exergoeconomic analysis and optimization of a Gas Turbine-Modular …
Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor (GTMHR) is a promising option to meet today's soaring energy demand. A GTMHR combined with organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) can deliver higher performance. This paper presents an exergoeconomic optimization for a combined system comprising a GTMHR and an ORC where the ORC …

The Gas-Turbine Modular Helium Reactor
Summary. The Gas Turbine – Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) couples a High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) with a Brayton power conversion cycle to produce electricity at high efficiency. It is based on HTGR technology developed over the past. 40 years that includes the design, construction and operation of seven HTGR plants.

Thermodynamics of GT-MHR-250 modular nuclear plant with helium …
Although most of the discussed Gas Turbine Modular Helium Reactor power plants are based on the Rankine cycle, the use of the complex Brayton cycle can be an advantage. However, scientific papers published in recent years do not evaluate this combination in more detail. This paper provides a thermodynamic analysis of the …

The modular helium reactor for future energy needs
The Modular Helium Reactor (MHR) is one of the advanced reactor concepts within the internationally-supported Generation IV program. Because of its design features and design maturity, the MHR was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as the U.S. Generation IV design concept for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP). ...

Numerical analysis of alternative operating temperatures on a modular
An MHR (Modular Helium Reactor) can cool down by itself under any accident conditions even if active shutdown cooling systems are inoperative. The purpose of the study is to develop a numerical model to analyze the decay heat removal capabilities of an MHR. This study presents a comparison of coolant inlet/outlet operating …

MODULAR HELIUM REACTOR USING STATISTICAL METHODS TO MAXIMIZE PERFORMANCE WITHOUT COMPROMISING SYSTEM DESIGN MARGINS L.J. LOMMERS, L.L. PARME, and A.S. SHENOY This is a preprint of a paper to be presented at the I995 International Joint Power Generation Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, …

Investigation of a gas turbine-modular helium reactor using …
DOI: 10.1016/J.PNUCENE.2016.02.006 Corpus ID: 124419445; Investigation of a gas turbine-modular helium reactor using reactor grade plutonium with 232Th and 238U @article{ahin2016InvestigationOA, title={Investigation of a gas turbine-modular helium reactor using reactor grade plutonium with 232Th and 238U}, author={S{"u}mer Şahin …

Assessment of TRU burning in a molten salt reactor moderated by
The CAPRA using the oxide fuel can get an attractive TRU burning rate of 25.8 Kg/TW th h (Wiese, 1998). By adopting a flat core shape and using Pb–Bi ... (DB) reactor concept using a modular helium fast reactor (MHFR) with a thermal power of 600 MWth has also been studied as a way to accomplish the destruction and utilization of …

Small modular reactors (SMRs) for producing nuclear energy
An anticipated power conversion efficiency of 53% is achieved by operating with an outlet helium temperature of 850°C and by using a vertically mounted, variable …

Optimization of the Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor using …
@article{osti_225236, title = {Optimization of the Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor using statistical methods to maximize performance without compromising system design margins}, author = {Lommers, L J and Parme, L L and Shenoy, A S}, abstractNote = {This paper describes a statistical approach for determining the impact of …

Exergoeconomic assessment and parametric study of a Gas Turbine-Modular
An exergoeconomic analysis is reported for a combined system with a net electrical output of 299 MW in which waste heat from a Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) is utilized by two Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs). A parametric study is also done to reveal the effects on the exergoeconomic performance of the combined …

Hydrogen Production Using the Modular Helium Reactor
The high-temperature characteristics of the Modular Helium Reactor (MHR) make it a strong candidate for the production of hydrogen using either thermochemical or high-temperature electrolysis (HTE) processes. Using heat from the MHR to drive a Sulfur-Iodine (S-I) thermochemical hydrogen process has been the subject of a DOE …

nuclear safety design process for modular helium …
1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this standard1!is to define the process for specifying criteria to assure that modular helium-cooled reactor ~MHR! nuclear power plants2!are designed so that they can be constructed and operated safely without un- due risk to …

(PDF) Design of a Nuclear Power Plant with Gas …
Nice, France, May 2-5, 201 1. Paper 112 99. Design of a Nuclear Power Plant with Gas T urb ine Modular Helium Cooled. Reactor. Ugur Guven, Grunadh Velidi. University of Petroleum and Energy ...

Hydrogen Production Using the Modular Helium Reactor
The high-temperature characteristics of the Modular Helium Reactor (MHR) make it a strong candidate for the production of hydrogen using either thermochemical or high …

Development of modular helium-cooled divertor for DEMO …
A new helium (He) loop was used to study the helium-cooled modular divertor with multiple jets (HEMJ) at incident heat fluxes q″ ≤ 6.6 MW/m² as part of the joint US-Japan effort on plasma ...

The Modular Helium Reactor for Hydrogen Production
Because of its high-temperature capability, advanced stage of development relative to other high-temperature reactor concepts, and passive safety features, the …

Thermodynamics of GT-MHR-250 modular nuclear plant …
This paper provides a thermodynamic analysis of the modular nuclear plant with thermal power of 250 MW, consisting of a helium-cooled nuclear reactor and the …

Gas turbine modular helium reactor (GT-MHR)
The Gas Turbine - Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) couples a high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR) with a Brayton power conversion cycle to …

High Temperature Gas Reactors
8.5 Summary. HTGRs are thermal neutron reactors with helium coolant, graphite moderator, and fully ceramic-coated particle fuel elements that can reach an exit temperature of 700°C–1000°C. Developed from early gas-cooled reactors in the 1950s, the latest HTGRs use modular technology, and the next step in development is VHTR.

Small modular reactors (SMRs) for producing nuclear energy
The key advantage of helium-cooled reactors is that the reactor can operate at much higher temperatures using a single-phase coolant, which is simpler to manage. Typical gas-cooled reactors operate in the range of 700–800°C outlet temperature, compared with 300–325°C for light water reactors.

Utilization of thorium in a Gas Turbine – Modular Helium …
A Gas Turbine-Modular Helium Reactor (GT-MHR) is a 600 MW t helium cooled high temperature reactor with increased efficiency (up to 47% [14]), which is designed to operate with different kinds of fuels.Each reactor module is composed of two parts. First part is the reactor, where the nuclear fission takes place and helium is …

A modular, 3D-printed helium-filled soap bubble generator …
A modular helium-filled soap bubble (HFSB) generator consisting of 3D-printed nozzles and developed for use in a wind tunnel is characterized. A multi-syringe pump accurately feeds bubble film solution (BFS) to each nozzle while air and helium flow rates are regulated using mass flow controllers. The modular design of the system …